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A Better & Safer Harvest

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​COMPO EXPERT is your partner for healthy growth - with 21 sales offices in Europe, North and South America as well as in Asia and Africa.

Understand why Fertigation is important and how you can maximized its benefits on your plantations.

Find out how NUTRITION PACK can help to overcome the complication of fertilization especially towards new adopters of fertigation practice with COMPO EXPERT’s localized comprehensive fertigation program

Experience the difference with our effective combination of high grade water soluble fertilizers that are designed to fulfill most crop requirements through fertigation practice in the most complete, convenient & effective way possible!


COMPO EXPERT GmbH with headquarters in Münster/Westphalia is an international company with 21 sales offices in Europe, North and South America as well as in Asia and Africa. The company produces high-quality specialty fertilizers and biostimulants in its four own fertilizer plants in Krefeld (Germany), La Vall d'Uixó (Spain), Deinze (Belgium) and Patras (Greece) thus offering professional users safe solutions for the areas of fruits, vegetables, field crops, turf and public green as well as nursery and ornamentals. Our innovative product range includes specialty mineral and stabilized fertilizers, slow and controlled release fertilizers, water soluble and liquid fertilizers as well as biostimulants, trace elements and soil conditioners. With this product range, COMPO EXPERT holds a leading market position. The company serves with its currently 700 employees 5,000 customers and sells into more than 100 countries. ​For more information, visit COMPO EXPERT APAC.


The general principles of fertigation evolve around fertilizer and irrigation. Fertilizers will be diluted in a solution form then fed to plants via an irrigation system which is readily available for uptake. This practice would be able to overcome multiple fertilization constraints such as;


Climate Change
The practice of fertigation has been developed to cope with arid climate and aims to conserve reclaimed water.

Labor & Geographical Limitation
Fertilizers can be applied through irrigation water with adjustable amounts, type and time with minimal effort.

Wastage & Environmental Pollution
This system will allow fertilizer placement in the wetted area surrounding plant roots with frequent application of fertilizer in small doses that leads to higher fertilizer usage efficiency while reducing tendency of losses such as leaching, volatilization & etc.

Fertigation vs Conventional

What is the difference between Fertigation and Conventional practice ?

 Fertigation applies fertilizers in small doses together with irrigation, whereas conventional practice applies fertilizers in granular form, relying on irrigation from sprinkler systems and/or rainfall to dissolve the fertilizers for plant uptake.

The frequent application of water and fertilizers in small doses via fertigation increases nutrient use efficiency as well as allowing plants to have a more uniform and consistent yield, compared to the conventional practice where the plant performance depends on the uniformity of water and fertilizers distribution.

Applications of Fertigation

Where is fertigation being used ?

Fertigation is widely used in commercial agriculture and horticulture. It is also progressively being used in landscaping as it is more reliable and easy to use.

In commercial agriculture and horticulture, fertigation is applicable for various cultivation methods, which include open-field soil planting, soilless media planting and water culture such as Hydroponics & Nutrient Film Technique (NFT).

 Fertilizer Products for Fertigation

What are fertilizer products used in Fertigation ?

Fertilizer products containing the 12 essential nutrients are used in fertigation.
Due to incompatibility of Ca with P and S, products containing Ca have to be separated from products containing P and/or S. Therefore, usually two fertilizer tanks are used in fertigation system, i.e. Tank A and Tank B.
Tank A and Tank B are also known as  stock solution tanks (usually in 200L). Tank A usually contains Ca based products whereas Tank B usually contains P and S based products. The fertilizers applied in each tank (A or B) are normally in the concentration of 10–15% (20-30kg in 200L of water).

Fertilizer Rates in Fertigation

How much fertilizers do you apply in fertigation ?

Concentrated fertilizer solutions from Tank A and Tank B are taken in equal amount and mixed with clean water in a separate tank called dilution tank (usually in 2000L) to achieve the desired pH (acidity) and Ec (fertilizer concentration) level prior to delivering for plant uptake.
The type of fertilizers used, and the amount of fertilizers and water required by the plants depend on the plant stages and also the climatic conditions. During fruit development stage, plants demand higher fertilizers and water compared to vegetative stage. This also applies to warmer climate (higher temperature) where plants demand more water compared to cooler climate (lower temperature)


NUTRITION PACK consist a series of high grades water soluble fertilizers that are designed to fulfil most crop requirements via fertigation system in the most convenient & effective way possible. It is a localised fertilization program that are able to overcome the complication of fertilization especially towards new adopters of fertigation technology. 


Depending on the crop stages, we create favorable fertilization program that fulfils the nutritional requirements of each targeted crop as per shown below;

Vegetative Stage

Growth Booster

​A nutritional combination that focus on shoot, root, branch and leaf production that are essential towards vegetative growth especially during early or recovery stage

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Reproductive Stage

Flowering & Fruiting

A nutritional combination that focus on flower initiation and fruit setting that are essential towards preparation of reproductive stage

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Range of Soluble Fertilizer

Traditional fertilizers are made from nutrient-rich natural sources through artificial processes. The nutrients in traditional fertilizers are concentrated and plant-friendly. Legumes, livestock manure, compost, and crop residues are examples of organic nutrients and organic matter. Using artificial procedures, conventional fertilizers are made from nutrient-rich natural sources. The nutrients in conventional fertilizers are concentrated and easy for plants to use. Legumes, animal manure, compost, and crop residues are examples of organic nutrients and organic matter. ​COMPO EXPERT carries a range of soluble fertilizer that is suitable for fertigation. HydroSpeed®, is a promising tool which you want for your fertigation farm. It comes right into an entire variety of water soluble dual nutrient fertilizers for plenty of styles of crops. It is freed from chlorine and urea from the very best of raw materials. An advanced quality is assured from our expert group and agricultural professionals cautiously crafted to make sure of the great way to solve your problem.

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 HydroSpeed® Starter

6-20-25 (+6.5 MgO)

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HydroSpeed® Growth

10-14-33 (+4.4 MgO)

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HydroSpeed® Yield

3-14-37 (+4.5 Mgo)

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HydroSpeed® CaB-Max

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 Nutrimix® Complete

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Our Crop Program

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Address : Suite B-05-13, Empire SOHO, Empire Subang, Jalan SS16/1 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

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